Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki

"Hold it right there, young lady! I'm the manager of this hotel, and if there's going to be any busting to do, I'm going to do it."
— Hotel Manager[src]

The hotel manager is the hotelier of the hotel that the Flynn-Fletcher family stay at during their vacation to Hawaii.


Lawrence goes to the hotel to check-in with the manager. Thinking that he doesn't speak English, Lawrence talks in Spanish, and is subsequently corrected. Impressed, he provides the necessary information to the hotelier, who calls the bellhop to get the family's bags, noticing that the platypus disappeared. Later, as the Aqua Primates run into the hotel, Phineas and Ferb ask the manager if he has seen them. Pointing to the elevator, he realizes that the kids are up to something.

Candace comes to bust them, but the hotelier stops her and takes the busting duty upon himself. Noticing the chaos in a corridor, he questions the boys about the situation, to their confusion. He chases after the primates, trying to call Linda as he does so, unsuccessfully. At the reception, he guides Linda and Lawrence to the A-Primes, which are turned human before he can show the parents. Tired, he sits next to Candace, who consoles him ("Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation").

Physical appearance[]

The hotel manager is dark-skinned and has black hair. He wears a white suit with three white buttons, a light blue collar, and a pink flower pin on the right side; white pants, and black shoes with grey details.


He is easygoing, but serious. He is calm when treating guests, but takes his job seriously when a situation goes astray, interrupting his duties to settle the matter.


Flynn-Fletcher family[]

He initially treats the family as normal guests, but he gets angry when he discovers that the kids are the source of the chaos at the hotel, and is flustered when he fails to show Linda and Lawrence what the boys did.


The guests seem to appreciate his services, since many are seen enjoying what the hotel has to offer.


Background Information[]

  • The hotel manager is based on his voice actor Phill Lewis' character from the Suite Life series, Marion Moseby, who frequently tries to catch Zack and Cody in their mischief. The setting being a hotel is a further reference to The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, which takes place at the Tipton hotel.

