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"You know, Candace, I've had a lot of fun in your backyard, but this is the best time yet."
— Jeremy, having dinner with Candace[src]
Jeremy shy

Jeremy Johnson is the crush and later boyfriend of Candace Flynn, older brother of Suzy Johnson and son of Jack Johnson and Mrs. Johnson. He is the guitar player for Jeremy and the Incidentals. He is apparently the founder and/or leader, since the group has been named after him.

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"The Lake Nose Monster"[]

"Interview With a Platypus"[]

"Tip of the Day"[]

"Backyard Aquarium"[]

"Day of the Living Gelatin"[]

"Chez Platypus"[]

"Perry Lays an Egg"[]

"Gaming the System"[]

"De Plane! De Plane!"[]

"Let's Take a Quiz"[]

"At the Car Wash"[]

"Oh, There You Are, Perry"[]

"That Sinking Feeling"[]

"The Baljeatles"[]

"Spa Day"[]

"Cheer Up Candace"[]

"The Bully Code"[]

"Nerdy Dancin'"[]


"Just Passing Through"[]

"Suddenly Suzy"[]

"The Lizard Whisperer"[]

"Nerds of a Feather"[]

"Wizard of Odd"[]

"Split Personality"[]

"Rollercoaster: The Musical!"[]

"Make Play"[]

"Candace Gets Busted"[]

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Jeremy Johnson/Season 1
Character galleries Next:
Jeremy Johnson/Season 3